Under the direction of Dr. James I. Cash, the Executive and Board Symposium empowers its members to be more effective and efficient in addressing contemporary business issues from a board-level perspective.


The target audience for this program are Board members, CEOs and senior executives at large companies (public and private), with interest in the intersection of  digital technology and corporate strategy.



EBS convenes members, thought leaders, and accomplished executives to discuss matters facing executives at the highest levels of their companies.  The 2021 program will include:

  • Four virtual symposiums to be delivered quarterly in 90-minute sessions via the ZOOM platform.
  • Sessions will focus on topics identified in consultation with members on a “real time” basis, to ensure we cover important and the highest-priority issues facing  members, their industries and the executive community.
  • The maximum number of members will be limited to provide every member the opportunity to fully participate.
  • Membership provides access to thought leadership content such as selected Harvard Business Publishing articles, research, and blogs, and other leading-edge sources relevant to discussion topics, executive challenges and membership needs.
  • The private EBS web site provides a member directory, materials from meetings, and information about future meetings.



Our programs are designed to address issues that our members have indicated are their top priorities and concerns.  The sessions consist of material presented by subject matter experts, and small group discussion.  See samples of past meeting agendas.